I've always loved the beach. Everything about a beach makes me feel so calm and as if I'm in a good place. The sand, the waves, the people, the sunrise and the sunset, it's giving me peace of mind at the time being I was there. It was fun revisiting a beach for the Holy Week vacation, I went with the family to San Fabian, Pangasinan...the beach there was you know, kind of crowded but it was perfectly where I wanted to go to. I braced the waves, the salty water, even stepped on some creepy crawlies (I was squealing inside tell u what) while walking. I also walked by the shore at night, even though it was pretty dark, and the view was amazzzzzzzing. For the first time in a very long time I was able to go to the beach:) Thank you God.
Sunrise was awesome and I swam again for the last time, then we we went home afterwards, it was such a long drive home- probably 6 to 7 hours, but it was worth it cause I was with the family.