I've got great news, WE GOT IT! I'm not spilling what it is, but I'm really happy because we're one step closer to reaching that dream. I thank God for everything, He's awesome.
By the way, people have been observing me...and I got word that what they noticed of me is, I'VE CHANGED BIG TIME. I really dunno what to say to that you know, i don't think it's negative, certainly not that positive either on their part cause those people used to be my friends too, and I don't want them to think that just cause I switched sections, doesn't mean I don't value what we had back then. They say I'm not as happy as I used to be, and I'm not the energizer bunny anymore, they say I'm more serious this semester. I kind of agree you know, maybe because I know myself too...and i hope that no one hates me for it. Change is the only constant thing in this world. You can't be what you are all the time. I believe in that statement.